My God, you know, you are so often correct... 

     I don't always hear you and listen to you, but I truly appreciate it when you take me in your arms and carry me through difficult times...

     I appreciate you for not wanting to control me, where I am, what I'm doing now and what I'll do today...

     You guard my sleep and take care of my health...

     You listen to my stories and always remember what we are talking about...

     You don’t step on my throat and don’t drown me with reproaches or discontent, you don’t demand more from me than I can (and want) to give...

     You don't like it when I cry, but you always let me do it... And my two smiles always make you happy...

     I know your opinion about me... I value you very much! I will always be grateful for all your words, supported by actions!💖

     P.S. You will understand the title of this note like no one else...