This day is close!! After wearing braces for my upper jaw for 7 month, i am ready for lower jaw braces! On December 8th i have appointment to put on braces on my lower jaw! I am very excited and nervous! Hope you guys as well.. after all this is over.. finally i will have beautiful smile ! 😁😁😁 This goal going to cover all expenses for getting braces on lower jaw and braces adjustment for both jaws every 8-10 weeks!😲 Thank you for help!
Nov 29, 2022
Dec 08, 2022
Token Goal
This Goal ended on Dec 08, 2022.
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All 31 Albums, 1 Collection, 6 Items, 16 Clubs, and 2 Tipmenus contribute to this Goal.
YouthfulDaddy 29791 Tokens
squirl 13203 Tokens
CausticJohn 2532 Tokens
altok 1010 Tokens
Lover4women 1000 Tokens
Beerluver21 900 Tokens
Robo_Patty 900 Tokens
golfalready 828 Tokens
Eagleaut 500 Tokens
Jabb89 300 Tokens
K_Dave1 297 Tokens
Hootie696 279 Tokens
The_unlimited 200 Tokens
Loop80 135 Tokens
bigstick42069 130 Tokens
HardyBoiz95 129 Tokens
Marty_S_McFly 129 Tokens
Benny936 110 Tokens
Anonymous 108 Tokens
Anonymous 105 Tokens
ciberhap 105 Tokens
niceonegaz 99 Tokens
the_ladida 92 Tokens
Ukrbridewnted 90 Tokens
reach454 77 Tokens
beancountersc 60 Tokens
Perrylowski 60 Tokens
juliantron3 55 Tokens
RonfrNova 55 Tokens
MrBIGvip88 40 Tokens
hardnredy696 39 Tokens
Ekubackwoods 38 Tokens
Sam42070 38 Tokens
DaveT88 35 Tokens
mar345 30 Tokens
cornfed42 15 Tokens
Papek89 14 Tokens
TheDoodeh 9 Tokens
IAmSte 7 Tokens